Coach specializing in Burnout, Change and Adjustment Strategies for burned-out persons and their spouses

International Online coaching in English

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Work shouldn’t destroy your life.

You may be here because you feel trapped at work and misunderstood at home.

You were once proud of your achievements, but lately, you feel that the pressure and the pile of work are too much for one person, and you wonder if you are crazy or if the workplace is.

You worry that you lost what it takes to do the job after sacrificing so much to get here. Your partner doesn’t seem to understand and after fight has become distant; you have lost the intimacy, and being together feels just like another chore.

You’ve read books about stress management and productivity, tried to be more assertive, and found a way to find some balance, but it seems hopeless.

Perhaps others told you that it’s normal in your career and you just have to bear it if you want the money, and if your partner doesn’t get it, then you can find someone better. But it’s not what you want. You’re staying up at night, blaming yourself for being distracted at work and losing it at home, pushing your family away.

You’re at the end of your rope, and something needs to change.

Get your life back

Even if it feels that way right now, your situation can significantly improve at work and at home. If you’d like to start, fill in the contact form, and we’ll set up a short introductory call to discuss your circumstances and answer your questions before your first session. Taking this step may be difficult, but it’ll start you on the path of feeling yourself again.


If you’re struggling with burnout, or trying to figure out what’s going on, and how to proceed with your work and life, coaching can help you have a realistic view of your situation, regain hope, and decide on your next move.


If living with your partner is confusing and becoming unbearable that you don’t know what’s happening anymore, sessions can help you understand your partner’s behavior, navigate the situation, and return to your real self that you forgot about lately.


If you are looking for resources that can help your employees not to burn out, or your managers to better understand the problem, then you can choose from burnout coaching or webinars for your team.

Would you like to find out more?


Why is it so hard to accept that I burned out?

Why is it so hard to accept that I burned out?

Not accepting our own burnout is a common problem that prevents recovery. Here's why it happens: 1. We misunderstand acceptance with giving up. Acceptance is often misperceived as waving a white flag, but in reality, it only means acknowledging the truth of our...

read more


“Thank you for the great sessions! I really appreciate you asking the right questions, and bringing me back to reality when I was trying to sidetrack! I needed someone to ‘push me’ as I didn’t feel I could do it myself. I felt supported and positive. I wish you all the best!”


“Jo gave me space to sit, think and really feel my feelings. I had so many moments of clarity about what I was thinking and how I lost myself trying to prove something to other people. Thanks to these realizations I feel like I live my life more peacefully. Thank you!”


“I was in a tough spot, with my responsibilities at work and taking care about of my aging mother. It was too much, and I didn’t know where to turn, as everyone needed my attention. Thank you for your openness and kindness in helping me find a way to go through it and stop feeling so guilty. I truly appreciate that.”


“What struck me in Joanna was that she really listens. I felt I could say what I think, and that is rare. Thanks to that and me being honest with myself, I realized how many things I can actually change, and I did change a lot already. Life looks different.”


I’m Joanna Nurmi, a Burnout Coach and Consultant


I am a former analyst and auditor at Big 4 companies. I worked in three countries in the corporate world, and observed many colleagues struggling with stress and burnout. As I successfully helped a few of them to improve their situation, I changed my career to coaching.